Now What?

Okay! We have determined that social media is a must in business, it generates customers and therefore revenue. But, there are several social media platforms and it can be time consuming to post on all of these sites, what's a girl to do? I have a Loomly account and it has saved me countless hours of posting. Here's how it works... It allows you to post on LinkedIn, FaceBook, Pinterest, Twitter and Google+, at the same time, (sorry not Instagram yet but they are working on it). In other words, If I make one post I can direct it to all of these platforms or only the ones I want. It even guides me and tells me topics to use, and when the best time of day/day of week it is to post. It also allows me to schedule my posts as I see fit. So whether you are posting daily, weekly etc. you can schedule your posts. GENIUS! Be aware however, that it's your responsibility to monitor your social media sites for likes, comments and shares!  I have tried multiple platforms like this and this seems to be the most user friendly! Click on this link to find out more and of course you can post your comments below too ;-) (Photo Credit: G2 Crowd/


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